Saturday, February 16, 2008

Day 39 Friday

Spent the day reading and reviewing the Programing Logic book. The meeting I had with my Advisor definately helped and he said I could talk to him anytime. I plan to ask a lot more questions in class as well.

Danielle and Landon were going to come home today but one of their dogs is sick and can't be around other dogs so I could not go up there either as I would have to take my dog. I wish they lived closer. I miss seeing them. Its been over a month.

Made no plans to go out tonight because of the above. Also just haven't felt like drinking much. Which unfortunately is what the group does. Instead I stayed in, watch a movie and went to bed early.

I am looking forward to the weather getting warmer so I can take off on my bike for a break from studying.

Day 38 Thursday

Drove all the way of to DMACC only to find out the class had been canceled. Not sure why, the roads were not bad and were not expected to get bad. Hopefully nothing bad happened in the instructors life but it would have been nice if he could have sent out an email or called as he did a couple weeks ago. It is a 70+ mile trip for me and there are only 8 students in the class.

Since class was canceled I decided I should stop by Firestone and find out why the tire I asked them to rotate and check was still loosing air. It had been roated to the back but obviously they did not check it out last week. Ended up having to buy a new tire. Who knows where but I guess it picked up a big screw that ripped up the tire beyond repair. Just what I wanted to spend money on. Oh well such is life.

Day 37 Wednesday

I left home around 1:30 today for a hair cut appointment and then went on up to DMACC to talk to my advisor about getting a tutor for the Programming logic class. He said it is hard to find a tutor for that class. Apparently its not a well liked class. He and I went over the test questions and answers that I missed. It was very helpful. He is very support and tells me all the time how impressed he is that I am even there at my age. Especially trying to learn something I knew nothing about. He suggested I get a study group together for this class. Next Monday I will make an announcement to the class and see if anyone is interested. I am not a quitter and am determined to get this class figured out.

Just had the HTML class tonight and he announced he will be giving a quiz next week. Hopefully I will do better on the test in this class.

Stopped by the bowling alley after class to have a few beers with the guys since it was their last night for the season.

Day 36 Tuesday

Today is a fun day. We do all projects in class. We are finally starting to learn how to put a Web site together using different software in Graphic Design. I can't decide if this instructor really wants to teach this class or not. He always makes remarks that he is ready to go home and we never use the full 2 1/2 hours for class. And I have mentioned before that his message regarding the homework he has assigned has not been very clear. Hopefully this will get better.

Tonight was Communications Design. Unfortunately because of the winter storms we have had, it has been 2 weeks since we have had this class. Very fun class. Its definately an art class which I enjoy. We made 2 pages for a magazine using another software system. The instructor is very helpful. Very nice person.

Day 35 Monday

Took the big test tonight in Programming Logic. Was not happy with the results after all the studying I did. But it could have been worse. I was hoping for better. All the instructor said was to see about getting a tutor. He didnt seem to really care. He has made the remark several times since day one that the class will get smaller. But I guess if you want to be a programmer and can not pass this class you might want to consider another career to get into. Well I am not giving up and will see about getting some extra help. I know that I have not put as much time into this class as I obviously need to. I was to hung up on learning HTML codes not programming codes. I doubt I will get an A in this class but would like to have a B or C+. The one thing I have figured out about college is whatever the instructors said the first night is BS. This instructor said we would learn about codes in another class and then the test was 40% about codes. Oh well. I am definately learning all kinds of things.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Day 34 Sunday

Started studying first thing this morning and continued through most of the afternoon. The test is over 6 chapters and its a lot to remember.

Watched part of the Grammys last night. Its an interesting award show. When I first started watching it, way back when, Rock and Roll was the popular music and the show was very entertaining, but then so was MTV. Then Rap came into play and a lot of push for Black musicians and because I don't care for Rap the show was not as entertaining to me. I think the best opening that I can remember was Madonna, maybe 10 yrs ago(?), she is definately an entertainer. I can always count on hearing about a new band or musician. Throughout my life I have often wonder were bands come up with their names. Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Eagles, let alone all the bands since. I am sure it is writing somewhere.

Day 33 Saturday

Cleaned house this morning. Mopped floors, vaccumed, polished the woodwork, laundry. It's another cold and nasty day outside and going to get worse. The temps are suppose to drop into the single digits and wind chills in the minus degrees. Glad BRR was last weekend or it would have been to cold to ride. The rest of the day I watched TV and studied. Just another brain adventure.